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Passports & Visas

Everyone loves stamps in their passport

As a passenger on an Overland Expedition it is your responsibility to ensure that your passport is valid for the duration of the journey and has enough empty pages for the entire length of your journey.   You need to check that your passport will still be valid for a minimum of six months on the date of your return.   It is your responsibility to ensure your passport is in order to enter each country we visit and is not damaged in any way. The best rule of thumb is to allow for ‘one whole empty page in your passport for each country you are visiting’. It is always better to be safe than sorry!

Your passport should be kept in a good condition.  Remember to make a note of your passport number, date and place of issue.  It is a good idea to keep a photocopy with you and give one to your family / next of kin before leaving.

Visa requirements and prices differ for each country we visit and they will vary dependent upon what passport you hold, i.e., your nationality.  Prices and visa requirements may change at any time, without notice, depending upon the political and economic situation of each country.  The prices listed below are a guide only and should be used for budgeting purposes only.

Visa costs are incurred by each individual passenger and are additional to any other monies paid to Savannah Overland Expeditions Ltd.  They are not covered by either Part 1 or Part 2 o the tour price.  Visas are paid for in US$ cash upon entry into each country.

As a general rule of thumb, if you hold a European, Australian, New Zealand, Canadian or American passport you should be able to obtain your visa at the border of each country. Generally, you should not have to organise any visas prior to leaving your home country, however, we recommend you contact the Embassy of the countries you will be travelling through to check whether or not you will encounter any problems obtaining your visas enroute.

For nationals of any other countries not listed above, it is strongly recommended that you contact the Embassies of each individual country to obtain guidance on visa requirements and restrictions etc.

Savannah Overland Expeditions Ltd cannot be held liable for any consequences, claims or damages related to any documentation that is not in order prior to commencing the trip. It is each passengers responsibility to have this in order before travelling. Savannah Overland Expeditions Ltd cannot be held liable for any consequences relating to changing visa prices and or requirements of countries visited enroute. The below are listed as a guide only.  It is your responsibility to check if you need a visa before you travel.

We will require a copy of your passport at the time of booking.  Please ensure the copy you provide is a copy of the passport you intend to travel on.

Countries UK Ireland Aust NZ Sth Africa USA Canada
Kenya US$50 US$50 US$50 US$50 US$70* US$50 US$50
Uganda US$50 Free US$50 US$50 US$50 US$50 US$50
Congo US$105 US$105 US$105 US$105 US$105 US$105 US$105
Rwanda Free US$30 US$30 US$30 Free Free US$30
Tanzania US$50 US$100 US$50 US$50 US$50 US$100 US$50
Malawi Free Free Free Free Free Free Free
Zambia US$50 Free US$50 US$50 Free US$50 US$50
Zimbabwe US$55 US$55 US$30 US$30 Free US$30 US$75
Botswana Free Free Free Free Free Free Free
Namibia Free Free  Free Free Free Free Free
 South Africa Free Free  Free Free Free Free Free

* denotes that Visas must be obtained in advance

Kenya – Tourist Visas are currently US$20 (for a 7 day transit visa) or US$50 (for a 30 day tourist visa) and are issued on arrival for British, Australian and New Zealand travellers.  South African visitors must obtain their Kenyan visa in advance.  Everyone requires a valid Yellow Fever Certificate and an onward ticket to show immigration on arrival. All nationalities should check with the Embassy before travelling.

You may choose to apply for an ‘East African Visa’ in advance of your trip if applicable and available.  An East African Visa is a multi-entry visa covering entry into Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda.  You can specifically request an East African Visa from immigration at Jomo Kenyatta Airport upon arrival at a cost of US$100.  This visa is worthwhile if seeing the Mountain Gorillas in Rwanda.

Entry into Congo will negate any other East African Visa, therefore, it is suggested that if we are travelling to Congo to see the mountain gorillas on your expedition that you purchase a ‘Transit‘ visa when landing in Kenya.  However, remember these are only valid for 7 days, therefore, you should check that you meet those requirements.

Uganda – All nationalities require visas. These are available at the border for most European nationalities, British, Australian and New Zealand costing US$50. All nationalities should check with the Embassy before travelling.

Congo – All nationalities require visas and these are available at the border and are arranged by our ‘fixer’.  Tourist visas cost approximately US$105 for entry into Congo.  Valid Yellow Fever Certificates are required for entry into Congo.  Entry into Congo will negate any other East African Visa, therefore, it is suggested that if we are travelling to Congo to see the mountain gorillas on your expedition that you purchase a ‘Transit’ visa when landing in Kenya. All nationalities should check with the Embassy before travelling.

Rwanda – If we visit the mountain gorillas in Rwanda on your expedition a re-entry visa will be required to enter back into Uganda / Kenya after exiting Rwanda.  PLEASE NOTE your crew need to make prior arrangements to ensure the necessary visas are waiting upon our arrival at the border.

Tanzania – Currently visas for most EEC nationalities, British, Canada, America, New Zealand and Australians cost US$50 and can be purchased at the border. Visas for Irish and American travellers cost US$100 and nationals from Switzerland and Brazil require a visa BEFORE they travel. All nationalities should check with the Embassy before travelling.

Malawi – Visas for Malawi are currently free.

Zambia – Currently most EEC nationalities, British, Canada, America, New Zealand and Australians cost US$50 and can be purchased at the border. Visas for Irish and American travellers are free.  All nationalities should check with the Embassy before travelling.

Zimbabwe – At present most European nationalities, New Zealand and Australians require an entry visa, but this is easily purchased at the border. Visas cost between US$30 & US$75 dependent upon nationality.

Botswana, Namibia & South Africa – Visas are currently free of charge and are obtained at the border of each country.

Departure Taxes – If you are departing from the following countries; Kenya, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe departure tax of US$30 is payable.  Please check with your Travel Agent or Airline whether or not your flight ticket already includes the departure tax.  If not, you will need to budget for this amount.  Departure Tax must be paid in US$’s cash.