
Countries we visit

Health & Medication

Whilst we carry a first aid kit onboard the safari truck, however, we recommend that you also bring your own personal first aid kit for minor injuries together with any prescription medication you require.

Your personal first aid kit should be equipped to deal with cuts, abrasions, insect bites and other minor ailments. Don’t forget your Malaria, Imodium and pain relief tablets.

You should seek the advice of a Travel Health Clinic or GP regarding the required and recommended vaccinations and medications for your expedition, including anti-malarial tablets, which are a pre-requisite for any trip in Africa.

We can recommend the following UK Travel Clinics:

Masta Travel Health

The Hospital for Tropical Diseases Travel Clinic

Please note, some vaccinations require a course of needles within a specific time frame, therefore, you should seek advice as soon as you decide to book a trip.

There are a number of anti-malarial tablets available.  One particular type of anti-malarial tablet may suit you better than another. It is wise to discuss the possible side effects with travel clinic staff before making your choice as they are best placed to offer advice.

Depending upon the countries you are visiting on your expedition, you may need to be vaccinated against Yellow Fever and carry a valid International Vaccination Certificate, in order to enter some African countries.

Below is a list of suggested, but not limited, vaccinations required for travel in Africa, however, your Travel Clinic may recommend further vaccinations:

  • Yellow Fever
  • Typhoid Fever
  • Tetanus, Diphtheria  & Polio
  • Hepatitis A & B
  • Rabies
  • Cholera
  • Tuberculosis
  • Meningococcal Meningitis (ACWY)

Advice should be sought from your GP or Travel Health Clinic regarding the above and other requirements prior to travel.

If you are currently taking medication (prescribed or otherwise), check whether it is legal in the countries you are intend to visit.  Pack it in your hand luggage, take the prescription and find out if you will need to take a letter from your GP with you.

Please advise the crew, prior to departure, of any medical conditions that may affect your health during the expedition and what treatments are required.