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Food & Cooking

A culinary adventure

Food & Cooking

Whilst on an expedition everyone is involved in the day to day running of the truck, including cooking for the group as a whole which is done on a rotational basis. The group is split into teams and each day the allocated ‘cook team’ prepare and cook the meals for their fellow passengers. They choose what the group will eat, however, we can help make suggestions based on our knowledge of readily available local produce.  There will be a book of ‘camp’ friendly recipes available on the truck for guidance and inspiration.

Each member of the ‘cooking team’ is involved in shopping at supermarkets and local markets for fresh produce and ingredients.  This allows everyone to experience shopping in Africa and ensures our food is as fresh and healthy as possible.

We endeavour to cook a variety of foods using different cooking methods wherever possible to keep it interesting, e.g., gas (for quick meals or when it is raining), wood (when we can collect enough) and charcoal fires (for barbecues and slower cooking).  We may eat a variety of meats including beef, lamb, goat, pig, fish, chicken or whatever other game meat is available.

Where possible basics such as breakfast cereals, rice, pasta and tinned foods are bought in bulk at the beginning of the expedition.  Bulk meat can be bought and stored in our on-board fridge freezer.

An average of two meals per day are provided whilst on the road.  These are covered by Part B of your trip payment which is paid locally to the crew during the pre-departure meeting.  Lunches whilst travelling will be prepared fresh each day.

Not everyone likes being told what they will eat each day by different ‘cooking teams’, therefore, while we are away from the truck, in hotels or cities, meals will be paid for at your own expense. African cuisine is reasonably priced.  This allows everyone the opportunity to get out, explore the area, find their own food and experience the taste of local traditional African food.  You can go out and sample the local food and fresh produce or stay at the campsite and eat something from their restaurant. Maybe you will acquire the taste for something truly uniquely African!

The idea of overland travel is to live and experience local culture in other countries and continents and one way of doing that is by eating what the locals eat where they eat it.

The main thing to remember is that you will be travelling in Africa.  Not everything is easy to get every day so we make the most of what we can get when we can get it.  In no way can we guarantee every meal will be your favourite – it is about the experience – new foods, flavours, methods of cooking etc that make it a unique experience.

Vegetarians and those with dietary requirements

We can accommodate almost anyone. Please let us know prior to travelling, if you are vegetarian or have any allergies or specific dietary requirements  and remember to inform the crew before you depart on your expedition.  Fruit, vegetables and fresh produce are almost always readily available.

Please let us know, prior to travel, if you have any allergies and / or specific dietary requirements.