For bookings or enquiries call us on Please contact our Australian Booking Agent   +61 401 177 175 or email us at [email protected]


Just in case something gets in the way

Travel Insurance

It is a compulsory requirement that you have adequate personal travel insurance before embarking on any trip with Savannah Overland Expeditions Ltd. Your travel insurance should cover the duration of your expedition including travel to and from Africa.

As a minimum you should have insurance to cover any incident / accident that may occur whilst you are away and cover for any necessary medical expenses and / or repatriation costs incurred whilst overseas.

We believe your safety and holiday enjoyment are very important and it sometimes only takes one little mistake to cause injury – it is a mistake to think ‘it will never happen to me’. Check your policy documentation and wording carefully, especially in respect of the adventure sport and activities section to ensure you are suitably covered for all the optional activities you wish to take part in.

There are many good insurers on the market and the majority are available on-line. Please ensure any policy you find fully suits your needs before purchasing and shop around for the best price.

Without proof of appropriate travel insurance you will not be allowed to join the departing expedition.

Ensure you get adequate and comprehensive travel insurance and check that it covers all the activities you plan to undertake.  Be sure your policy provides cover for repatriation, medical bills, pre-existing medical conditions and potentially hazardous activities in case you decide to white water raft the Nile!